Tag: New York Times

David Gordon’s Excellent Japanese Adventure

David Gordon is the author of  two novels and a collection of short stories, “White Tiger on Snow Mountain” coming out this fall.  His writing career is off the ground but  until a little while ago not exactly soaring.  Suddenly all kinds of good once in a lifetime things began to happen to David.  I’ll […]

Can Novel Newbies Learn Anything From Elite Athletes?

This post starts out at the NY Times article by Gina Kolata entitled “Training Insights From Star Athletes” of January 14, 2013.  http://nyti.ms/UNpDPE  Here’s how Gina begins: Of course elite athletes are natually gifted .  And of course they train hard and may have a phalanx of support staff – coaches, nutritionists, psychologists. But they often have something else that gives […]

The Ghosts of October – Doug Glanville’s Baseball

Doug Glanville who first played for the Phillies as a fleet footed center fielder now pens periodic thoughtful and brilliant articles in the NY Times.  I find all of them connecting  with my thoughts and memories of baseball. Here is another. The Ghosts of October http://nyti.ms/1heqiHh  Another Doug Glanville masterpiece. Baseball, I love it. Thanks for […]

Apocalypse Now, The Great Gatsby, and the House of the Dead

  House of the Dead In an article in the NY Times entitled My Home, the House of the Dead, by William G. Thomas III, a professor of history at the University of Nebraska, he tells of his family lore making their homestead in Virginia a hospital during the Civil War.  Even more important to a […]

Trauma Sets Female Veterans Adrift Back Home

    This is a New York Times article about PTSD and homelessness among female military veterans, a serious problem for our time that demands our attention. Sexual trauma in the military. http://nyti.ms/XHRUIw  Related articles Homeless Female Veterans: All Too Often, a ‘Double Betrayal of Trust’ Female Veterans Are Fastest Growing Segment of Homeless Population

Blogging With Video, Hoping to Go Viral

This is an article from the NY Times Personal Tech Section by Kate Murphy on the subject of using video in your blog.  Right off the bat Kate reveals what you may already know: 90% of YouTube videos are painful to watch.  So, I immediately began to revisit my cringes at watching my own video […]

Good Night, Ryan – Veterans

US Military Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a NY Times Video on the subject of our Veterans returning home from war zones with scars, and the inadequate medical support that many of them receive when their tour of duty is  completed. http://nyti.ms/QTyK4L 

Are Readers of Fiction Like Actors in a Movie?

According to actor/novelist Molly Ringwald, they are.  In an article in the Sunday New York Times of August 19,  Molly lays out a scenario in which all the collaborators in the making of a movie – director, camera man, sound designer, lighting technician, actor, etc – all maneuver to influence the version of the film […]